Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Resource Management In Flextronics University assignment essay

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management in Flextronics University. Answer: Introduction The main purpose of this study is to explain the detailed outcome of the analysis which indicates understanding the diversity management, culture, international performance management and training and development in the context of Flextronics University. The scope of the essay is to develop human resource management practices regarding diversity management, culture, international performance management and training and development. The human resource management of Flextronics University refers to the formal systems which are responsible for managing employees in the organization (Mathis et al., 2016). The major duties of the human resource manager are recruiting, training, designing work culture, maintaining positive environment and many more. The study proposes a solution to the issues to the current situation along with the enhancement of the environment of the organization through improving organization culture. The technologies which are used in altering the culture of the organization is also present in the essay. Human Resource Management at Flextronics University Diversity Management The diversity management in the Flextronics University will be carried out through several practices and developing framework. Recruitment and selection: The process will be divided into nine sections such as planning, job analysis, attraction, short listing, selection process, reference checking, making selection decision and assessing (Bratton Gold, 2012). In the planning phase, the authorities of the organization will make sure that only the keen and efficient employees will be selected for the training phase. The organization is facing several issues with the new joiners (Purce, 2014). The most severe of those is that the after the completion of the program the employees are going to the rival business or changed industry. For abiding this issue the recruitment and selection process will be designed in such a way that only the potentially long lasting people will get the chance to get into the training phase. The job analysis refers to the process of analyzing the skills and knowledge for becoming able to handle a specific role in the organization (Storey, 2014). The line managers after completion of the high potential program, designed specifically by Flextronics academy, will be ready to determine the skills and knowledge. This recognized specification will be the base of the selection process. The attraction refers that only the candidates with the identified specific skills and knowledge can apply for the vacant role. Apart from the identified skills, some minimum requirements in terms of those skills and knowledge will be carried out (Alfes et al., 2013). In addition to that, other skills and information of the person will be analyzed and the shot-listing will be carried out. The interview will be directly associated with the selection process. In the interview process the depth of knowledge of the person and how skillful they are will be investigated (Storey, 2014). The communication and interaction skill of the person can only be identified in the interview process. The interview process will be divided into three sections such as skill based, technical skill based and communication based. Employment dates, appraisal of an applicants claim against the key selection criteria, estimates of an applicants job performance capabilities and employers willingness to re-hire the applicant will be checked in the reference checking process. After the end of all the processes the final selection of the employee will be carried out. The most priority will be given to the skill and knowledge (Buller, P. F., McEvoy, 2012). The next in the list is the willingness of the employee to stay in the organization. Last but not the least, the communication skill of the candidate is also very significant. For the orientation process the training and development process will serve as the key. This refers to the adjustment of the new employee in the organization. The authorities will be responsible for carrying out a gap analysis assessment tool for offering a resource for the hr department for assessing recruitment and selection process in terms of recognized best practices. Performance appraisal: This task will be carried out in six sections installing performance standards, communicating performance expectations of the workers and measuring actual performance, comparing expected standard with the actual performance, discussion of appraisal and starting right activity (Storey, 2014). In the performance standard process, the output, skills and accomplishment will be determined by the managers based on those the performance of employee will be analyzed. The standard such as the employees will be communicating the issues that they are currently facing as well as suggesting solutions against those issues (Purce, 2014). Taken as an example, the new trainee will be responsible for completing the tasks within provided period and will increase the productivity ten percent every 1.5 months. This way they can be as effective as the existing employee after the completion of the training and development. After the determination of the standard, those standards will be represented and explained to the employees by the human resource manager. For the recognizing the actual performance of the individual employee, an evaluator will be employed (Buller, P. F., McEvoy, 2012). It is crucial that the evaluators personal feelings will not influence the measurement of the performance of the employees. After that, the line managers will be comparing the actual performance of the employee the established standards (Alfes et al., 2013). If the employee completed its objective efficiently then special appraising will be offered to them from the management. The human resource manager will be responsible for discussing the outcome of the appraisal (Storey, 2014). Along with the HR manager other management will accept the appraisal in a constructive manner. Special appreciation will be offered to those who will be completing working in the organization five years. The new employees will be appreciated with suitable offers if they complete two years in the organization. Implementation of HR diversity policies: Vision and leadership: senior pioneers show an on-going responsibility to mainstreaming assorted qualities by guaranteeing that the significant strategies, practices, measurements and activity arrangements are set up (Purce, 2014). Continuous duty is additionally shown through regular and reliable correspondence, inside and remotely, about the association's accomplishments against its distributed activity arranges. Well defined business case: the assorted qualities motivation shapes an essential part of the vital business arranging plan - not something that is a 'pleasant to have', maybe particularly for private area firms that are offering for contracts inside the general population division (Brewster et al., 2016). In the general population segment the 'adequacy contention' i.e. guaranteeing the differing qualities of the workforce coordinates the assorted qualities of administration clients, is maybe to a greater degree a key driver. Training and Development The training and development of the new employee of the Flextronics University will be divided in four processes. Incidental training: Here is the place all groups begin. Another representative comes to work and somebody "trains them" on the most proficient method to carry out their occupation (Bratton Gold, 2012). This kind of preparing is going on throughout the day and is frequently among the most important preparing a representative gets. This is casual learning, unstructured, and regularly created by workgroups or their groups to fill a crevice unfilled by LD or learning and development. Distinction regarding Training and Development: At level 2, where most organizations are or are attempting to wind up, you build up an expert preparing capacity (Mathis et al., 2016). This is a little or extensive group of LD experts who assemble an arrangement of projects, foundation, and instruments which let you convey formal preparing. Enhancement of performance and skill: Now the association understands that any learning movement ought to be adjusted and sorted out by part, and organizations coordinate preparing programs into advancement arranging and vocation improvement models. Development of organizational capability: At level 4 the LD capacity takes a gander at authoritative abilities all in all. This is not only another arrangement of words. It is an alternate core interest (Mondy Martocchio, 2016). Here is the place you invest energy understanding the detailed everyday life of laborers, all their different data and occupation related needs, and work as an execution expert to help them enhance execution through numerous sorts of learning. Culture Every organization has cultural dimensions for introducing innovative programs as well as to improvise their organizational performance within the competitive marketplace (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). Flexotronics is one of the leading Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) that is providing technological solutions among 30 countries. These technological solutions involves EMS capabilities related to broadcast worldwide, global supply chain management of end to end vertically integrated systems etc. The Hungarian plants of Flexotronics faced some typical start- up problems: insufficient experienced professionals, high range of fluctuations, significant demands of consumers. flexootronics resolved this problems by placing the executive HR Director Peter Baumgartner in the CEE region. The policies implemented by him were to train the employees in a proper way (Van Dooren et al., 2015). This perspective resolve all the above mentioned problems as the efficient nature of the employees both by qualification and soft-skills make them well equipped with any kind of technicalities within the organization. In spite of this step there are so many Hungarian participants who leaved the organization for cultural differences. This aspect result into a big problem in case of the long term success of Flexotronics , as at that time the cultural dimensions from different countries were messed up with each other (Dellinger et al., 2013). Most f the employees who left Flexotronics joined their comp etitors this reduced the market value of the organization. This situation can be resolved if the organization followed cultural regularity and a communication process in a regular basis. These two aspects lead to the understanding process of individual cultural dimensions of the organization that were affecting the organizational culture itself (Ates et al., 2013). Organizational culture should be more prioritized than culture of individuals from different countries. Long- term commitments to the employees results to the trust building among them. This aspect may help organizational heads in resolving the cultural issues within the organization. Flexotronics operates over a huge international domain. Employees coming from this huge domain introduce several issues emerged due to cultural peculiarities. An example of this issue is: certifications on the basis of successfully accomplished training module leads to quite strange reactions in different countries (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). Certifications from the Eastern European states or form US are welcomed with the sign of ones accomplishment, whereas certification from the Western European countries are not granted as positive feedback from the university. The certificates are granted as an appraisal to be boxed in danger. Flextronic University deals with all of this certification from various countries (Van Dooren et al., 2015). Therefore the organization gets confused while evaluating the grade of the knowledge within their employees. This issue is a great matter of concern for Flexotronic. This issue can be resolved if the organization starts a new evaluating system of know ledge among their employees that is totally irrespective of the certification the employees get form their concerned countries. This evaluating system will minimize the emerging difficulties due to the acceptance of certification program across various countries. International Performance Management: International performance management is concerned with management of brand image all over the globe. The essence of performance management is related to development of individual with commitment and competence (Lundstrom et al., 2013). These perspectives of this are concerned with the shared meaningful objectives and goals of the organization. Flexotronics is one of the effective organizations that provide leading electronic equipments among several countries all over the globe: Brazil, China, Hungary, Mexico, and Poland. More specifically the organization has expanded their target market in a well distributed manner (Mikusiski et al., 2013). This aspect requires the organizational heads to focus on their international performance management. International performance management requires the following perspective to be covered: transparency, employee development and empowerment, values to the practices, congenial work environment, external environment. these aspects are elaborated wi th respect to international performance management of Flexotronics. Transparency: In early 2000, Flexotronics faced start up issues. These issues were resolved by arranging proper training programs for the employees (Poe et al., 2013). This aspect reveals that the organization is concerned with the internal condition of it. Organizational heads take decisions for the sake of improvement of their employee. Employee development and empowerment: Employee development and empowerment within Flexotronic was highlighted when the organization understood the importance of a common platform for sharing various approaches related to employees: material management, production management and program management etc (Mikusiski et al., 2013). They established training program by discussing these facts with their employees. This program makes their global access possible in reality. Values to the practices: Values to concerned practices are another aspect that specifies the international performance management within Flexotronics. The organization provided a tailored system for the administration as well as for the users to understand managerial process (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). Congenial work environment: Positive work environment is also present within the organization. As the organization accepts all the certifications from various other countries so they are quite compatible with the cross cultural environment (Ates et al., 2013). This leads to the good performance of the employees, as the organization combines their own organizational culture with their employees. Conclusion From the above study it can be concluded that the human resource management is a crucial factor in enhancing the business of Flextronics University. The human resource manager is mostly responsible for managing the culture and positive environment of within the organization. From the recruitment and selection process the issues regarding the short staying of the new employee can be overcame. The planning of the process has been assessed in such a way that it can be implemented in every country in the world. The differences beet the behavior of employee in Austria and Hungary will be not be challenge for the organization any more through the proposed culture. The training and development of the trainee will be sound enough for supporting the business of Flextronics University. The appreciation activity will be serving as a key motive to make the workers loyal to the organization. Through the proposed cultural and international performance management in the essay the organization can c arry out their internal activities more effectively with efficient effort. Recommendations Recruitment and selection: The employees will be offered importance. It is crucial that the hr managers hire right employee for individual positions on the basis of the measured skills and knowledge. The use of the job analysis will assist in appointing workers effectively. Training and development: The training and development process will include the professionals for providing them further knowledge to conduct the work in a sufficient and effective manner. 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